Last week my day started kinda blah…but then I looked out the window and saw all the fresh sparkly snow….so I picked up my Contax and went outside. The combination of shooting some film and the crisp, cold air immediately turned my mood around.
The boy’s little fire-truck, waiting for Spring to come.
I decided to take a quick shot of our simple little wreath, and then decided…um, it is February….probably time to take it down!
Then I packed up Marcus for pre-school & Henry and I for a little day trip to Vermont to visit my best friend and her little one in their new home.
Chloe’s stuff always seems cooler than mine. :0)
I’ve been pushing myself to only use my film camera when I’m shooting personal work…..Baby Mirabel was a good subject.
We came home for dinner- and I couldn’t resist lining up my carrots and leeks from the Littleton Cooperative.
While Henry and I were downstairs taking photos of rainbow carrots {or making dinner….} Marcus was upstairs helping Daddy build their new bunk-room.
{all images shot on my Contax 645 with Kodak Porta 400 and 160}
This is a blog circle: please hop on over to my former bride/photographer/sometimes assistant/friend…the lovely Michelle Heath: