{this image taken with my trusty iPhone – with the VSCO app}
Family and creating a happy home for my boys to grow in is more important to me than having a fancy car, or that new Kate Spade bag that I’ve been eyeing….or even keeping up with everyone else and enrolling my boys in countless activities….while they are still little I want them to learn that home and family are the most important. I want them to have a solid base to rely on eachother, and their extended family, when they need it. I grew up with half of my family on the same street ~ and feel that this is one of the fundamental reasons why I am who I am today. I feel extremely blessed that my boys have access to my parents, their farm, my sister & Uncle Andy, and of course, the apple of their eyes, their cousin Thora.
For those that don’t know, I don’t usually work on Tuesdays or Fridays – those are the days that I have my niece, Thora Maeve with me and the boys. She fills that spot for the girl I always wanted, but will never have…and more importantly, the boys adore her. It fills my heart to watch how they protect her, bring her toys, and play silly games to make her laugh. So, on Tuesdays and Fridays I try to savor it…and that means shutting down the phone & being present. Because, it all goes by so fast. Marcus started t-ball this week. And Hank’s now wearing the Luke Skywalker costume that Marcus lived in for months on end. Thora’s eating like a champ {you should see her clear a container of green beans in less than 47 seconds} and she finding her voice.
But sometimes, I have to make exceptions to the rule….Remember the ice castle shoot that Emily {Emily Herzig Floral Studio} did this past winter? We needed to wrap up a few details for WellWed Magazine and needed to shoot two fabulous cakes…..but juggling all of our schedules…well, we ended up shooting on a Tuesday morning. Thora snoozed in the car with the fresh Spring air, and Hank ran around with Emily’s Simon and Julie’s Logan while I did my thing in the barn…..It was a fabulous little morning…and we got what we needed to get done…and I wasn’t technically unplugged- but I was happy & they were happy & that’s what matter’s most somedays.
{cake on the left by Julie Wild Orchid Baking Co. & cake on right by Julie of Caketopia Cakes….iPhone capture }
Love this post, Meg! So important to remember what truly matters at the end of the day.